
Festive Cookie Box

Nothing is more festive than Christmas cookies! I decided to create this festive cookie box for all my friends and it truly is such a nice gift to offer someone because of the time, effort and love you have to put in to make them! I decided to make 5 different types of cookies for my box and will have all the recipes linked here:

These are so easy to cut and bake when refrigerated overnight so be sure to make the dough in advance!

    I decided to fill these with orange champagne jam instead of raspberry and it was surprisingly super tasty! We also replaced the nuts with macademia nuts!

    These were honestly soo difficult to make but make such cute cookies! If you have the patience to make them they are definitely worth the work! I did do smaller balls then indicated in the recipe because I wanted smaller cookies for the box.

    Bon Appetit!!


    Megan Chartrand-Robichaud

    June 1, 2024